Thursday, September 17, 2015

Wedding Bells May Ring Soon For Tayo Faniran

Wedding bells may be ringing for former BBA star, Tayo Faniran, although he says there’s no pressure to walk down the aisle.

The 29-yr-old Faniran revealed to Punch in an exclusive interview that he’s in an exciting relationship with the mother of his son and would love to stay happily married like his parents are, which is why he isn’t in a hurry to say “I do”.
“I am currently in an exciting relationship and I have a son. The wedding bells will soon ring but I am not under pressure to get married. The mother of my son is comfortable with our relationship and we live together so, we can give our child the best of everything.
We are not getting married now and it’s our personal decision. I love marriage, and my parents are still happily married and living together. I don’t pray to encounter any problems in my marriage when I eventually get wedded. I also want to get married and enjoy the gains of marital life”, the former BBA housemate told Punch.

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